Hello there! I'm Rebecca, 21 and from London. Ashka, my little blog, is my own little space for all the things I love - especially fashion and personal style. I do throw in a bit of lifestyle - like travel diaries, mini inspiration posts and interviews. I started my blog as a platform for all the passions I have, and so I could have a place to express myself. I'd describe my style as girly grunge meets minimalism with some splashes of color and patterns every now and again! I am a massive crazy cat lady and tea lover. Come say hello!Twitter Instagram Pinterest Bloglovin
Hi everyone! I’m Jordan, a 22 year old beauty blogger, currently on medical leave from university with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. My blog focuses mainly on beauty reviews and hauls, although in the future I’d like to try some lifestyle posts. I set up my blog mainly because I’m sure my friends and family were getting fed up of me constantly telling them about my new favorite blushes or the new products I was looking forward to trying! It has also helped me to deal with my illness a lot, being bed-bound for days on end can get very boring & lonely! Although I haven’t been blogging for long, I absolutely love it! I hope if you pop by you enjoy reading my posts as much as I enjoy writing them! x
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'Life is Worth the Fight' is essentially a blog about me (Stacie). I write because I want to document my time whilst waiting for a Heart and Double Lung Transplant and hopefully when I get my transplant too. It demonstrates the up's and the down's of life on the transplant list. I also started writing it not only for my own reflection but in the hope that I could maybe raise awareness for the importance of Organ Donors to others who come across my blog and how merely talking to one's relatives could help change some-ones life for the better, give someone a life they've never had. It is the greatest give someone can give. I also write about things I like and things I do so when I've had a massive shopping spree or been on a day out with friends and family. It is quite simply my little place where I get everything out and share it and experience it with all of you guys :)
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My other advertisers for August was The Crafty side of Sarcasm. If you'd like to advertise with me next month, all information and statistics are here. Thank you for reading and please, check out my advertisers!Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - Bloglovin - Youtube