Politics Magazine

Actor Steven Seagal Speaks on Obama’s Impeachment

Posted on the 27 February 2014 by Adask

Actor Steven Seagal recently spoke at the Western Conservative Conference.  He warned that America was in deep trouble and touched on the possibility of President Obama’s impeachment.  Judging by the seemingly mild audience response, either the Conference, itself, was not too large–or even the “Conservatives” were taken aback by the extent of Seagal’s “political incorrectness”.

The content of Segal’s speech wasn’t profound.  We all know the facts that he referred to.  But Seagal’s speech was still another important “leaf in the breeze” that tells us which way the political wind is beginning to blow in this country.  There are Americans who are furious about the path Obama has chosen for this nation.  Those Americans tend to give Obama a pass in that he’s still entitled to some “affirmative action”–and no one wants risk accusing Obama of treason and wind up being accused of racism.

Still, I believe there’s a fury out there that animates 20% of the American people–maybe more.  This fury is unseen and unstated, but it’s there, waiting silently for some candidate or some political party who will call a spade a spade and fight to push this country back onto the right path.

I’m not talking about conservatives fighting for big business or liberals fighting for big government. I’m talking about candidates who will fight against big business, big labor and big government and fight, instead, for the Liberty of each individual man and woman. There’s a fury out there that’s waiting to support a candidate who will fight for the small American rather than the big institution.

video   00:04:16

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