Business Magazine

Achieving Your Goals in Five Easy Steps

By Frederickjgoodall @goodallcreative

Conceptual sign of sucess in business and life

At the beginning of each year, we are excited about making changes in our lives. We make vision boards, resolutions and outline detailed plans for success. Unfortunately, many of us fail to stick to these plans. By the end of January, we’ve reverted to our old habits and mindsets. Exercising becomes too inconvenient, chocolate chip cookies are too tasty to resist, the job we hate doesn’t seem so bad after all, and saving money seems like an impossible task. We all want to do better, but our comfort zones feel quite comfy.

In order to break free of these negative behaviors, we must develop new habits. Goal-setting is easy. The hard part is in the doing. If you want to improve your life and become more successful, you must follow these simple steps:

Write down your goals

I’m a big believer in writing down goals and objectives. I’ve read several biographies of successful people and the one thing they have in common is that they document their goals regularly. But simply writing down goals is not enough. First, you must analyze your goals. I like to use the SMART technique. Are your goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. If they meet these criteria, then you must develop a plan of action. Your hard work will be your key to success.

Allow others to hold you accountable

People like to perpetuate the myth of the self-made man, but the truth is no one can make it on his own. We all need help. That’s where accountability partners come in. Share your goals with them and ask them to hold you accountable for achieving them. Having someone in your corner who you can give you honest feedback is important for your success. We all need someone who will empathize with us, motivate us, and give us a kick in the pants when we need it.

Overcome the dip

It’s always exciting and fun to start a something new, but when the initial excitement wears off and the hard work begins, you may find yourself asking if it is even worth the hassle. Author Seth Godin, calls this dilemma The Dip — a temporary setback that will get better if you keep pushing. If you’ve reached your Dip, don’t give up. Go back to the beginning and try again. If you stumble, get back up. What really sets apart successful people from everyone else is the ability to overcome disappointments and failures without becoming discouraged.

Celebrate success

It’s easy to focus on our failures because they are often quite visibile. However, we must learn to celebrate our successes. Any behavorial psychologist will tell you that positive reinforcement is the best motivator. When you lose a couple of pounds, celebrate. When you land that appointment with a prospecr, celebrate. When your boss agrees to greenlight your project, celebrate. Life should be a constant celebration because good things happen every day.

Be still

In this “always on” culture, it’s hard to find time for self-evaluation or introspection. If we are to achieve our goals, we must find time to be still. Turn off the TV, hide your cell phone, and place your laptop in sleep mode. Find a quiet place to pray, meditate, and be alone with your thoughts. These few moments of solitude will help you to recharge and give you the energy and confidence you need to conquer the world – one goal at a time.


photo credit Stock.xchng

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