I was looking for a Throw Back Thursday photo this morning for Instagram to share some accessory organizing tipsand I thought I would share even more of them here today!
I have mentioned many times that I love to have all of my accessories outand work them into my decor.

For me they become a beautiful mosaicand a wearable tapestry.

And having them out makes choosing pieces for an outfit a snap!

I hang my bracelets …

Have my earrings clipped on and hanging …

I fill little Anthro bowls to the brim with bracelets!

Silver plated buckets are also filled to overflowing.

A silver cake plate makes a perfect ring holder!

In my small dressing areano space is wastedand everything is in easy reach.
My favorite home stylingis always using what I havein a beautiful and efficient manner .
I absolutely adore this room andconsider beautiful organizationan important component in self cafe.

As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life