Last week I was kindly invited to attend an event at Boutique travel agent Abercrombie and Kent, and I took the mysterious Miss Lucy J Loves along with me.
Now to be perfectly honest I didn’t expect a lot, I mean it’s a travel agent how much could they seriously make a store look good… but oh how wrong I was! I arrived at a store full with people and was welcomed by two elaborate carved wooden statues at the entrance. Inside the store the area wasn’t filled desks and office chairs but with beautiful wooden tables, a bar area and secluded seating areas.

The room was also filled with beautiful Indian statues, flower petals, candles and even Indian musicians to set the mood.

We ended up chatting to much and sort of forgot to fill in our questions so there was no chance of us winning that holiday.. Opps! But it was announced at the end of the night and there was one very excited family.
After our night of India culture and learning we headed off in to the night with our travel brochures to plan our Indian adventures