Once upon a time there was an abandoned Boston Terrier, by the name of Angus, who was looking for a home. Lucky for Angus, Darrin Wilson and his wife Janet, met him, fell in love and took him home to live happily ever after in Ontario, Canada.
Angus was a happy little fellow, quite content with the circumstance that life had handed to him and his humans loved him dearly. They loved him so much, in fact, that the following October, Darrin set out to create a toy, made in his likeness.
Janet loved it so much that she posted pictures of the finished toy on Facebook, which began a deluge of mail to Darrin from folks that wanted to know where they could get one too!
Darrin formed a company he called Tall Trees Toyworks and designed five more toys modeled after a boxer, pug, shih tzu, pekingese and a bulldog. He called them Wugadogs.

Scheduled to be released one breed at a time, each Wugadog will be on the shelf for only 12 weeks before being discontinued to make room for the next Wugadog.
Tags: Angus toy, Wugadog