The year has come and gone so fast! Exactly one year ago today, I took off on my first flight lesson, a bit apprehensive, but very excited. I remember having the controls handed off to me for the first time, I was scared and a little intimidated. My instructor asked me to do some S shaped turns, so I could get a feel for the plane. Being timid as I was at first, my turns were probably a 10 degree bank. The instructor laughed a little and showed me how it was done, putting the plane into some 65 degree steep turns on the spot. After that moment, I began to realize that the plane I was flying was a strong machine, and could handle some pressure.

Just one year later, I feel like I’ve come so far. I look forward to every flight with just as much excitement as I did with those first few lessons, but am definitely less intimidated! Below is a list of some highlights from the year. I was fortunate to experience some things that I never dreamed I’d be doing within the year, it’s been really amazing. The year was filled with so many “firsts” for myself; I’m so thankful that my family has supported me through it all.
- First Solo Flight (week of my 16th birthday)
- Flying with Colin Summers over Los Angeles, Malibu, and Hollywood
- Flying in for a “$100 hamburger” at Jamestown Airport with some friends
- First Solo Cross Country Flight
- Flight over Gulf Shores with Rod Kellogg
- Flyby for my family reunion
- First helicopter flight, over the Grand Canyon
- First glider flight lesson, over Lake Tahoe
- Hitting 108,000 views on my YouTube video: “Inspiration for Pilots, What if money was no object?”
- Landing at my “home airport,” Richmond International Airport
- Flying into First Flight Airport, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
- Visiting Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona
- Hitting 100,000 views on this blog! (from over 174 countries!!!)

This has been one of the busiest years I can remember. With over 116 articles written on this blog, you can read a little about nearly everything memorable that I had the chance to do. With my Junior Year of High School in full swing, it’s been chaotic, but so rewarding at the same time. I can’t wait to see how things will go in the coming year.

The past year has been great, and there is so much to look forward to in the new year. A world of opportunities have opened up for me because of my involvement in aviation, I can’t wait to take advantage of some of the diversity that aviation offers. Thanks for reading and watching, Have a great New Year! Stay tuned for a new article about the coming year, with a big announcement! -Swayne Martin Twitter: @MartinsAviation