Family Magazine

A Vicar Wheeled Me into the Delivery Room?: A Birth Story

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

I was due on april 5th 2005 with my little boy we named alex. The pregnancy was difficult as he was very small and it meant scans and steroids etc. I had uti after uti with him and he kicked my placenta around like a football making me bleed.

March 20th I started having contractions at 2am. Every 5 mins till 5am. They werent enough to hurt it was more discomfort. I sat up all night doing a stupid jigsaw. At 7 am I made my oh a brew and told him I was contracting. He shot up panicking and dropped his cup while i stood all calm. I told him to ring the hosp while I went for a shower. He did. In the shower my waters went. My contractions got very fast and very painfull. After a few mins i got out and made some sarnies.

A vicar wheeled me into the delivery room?: A Birth Story

Then a midwife came out as it had been some time since phoning. She insisted on a exam on my couch and after hurting me proclaimed I was not in labour it was the uti. She phoned the hosp to cancel my bed. I was upset. I knew i was in labour. She went and oh went mad at me so I insisted for a hour we still go. We dropped kids off at nans and got to the hosp carpark. I opened the car door and a massive contraction floored me. I couldnt breathe for ages. I took half hour to walk about twenty feet as contractions were now slamming me and at hosp doors i felt his head crowning.

My legs turned to jelly and my partner grabbed me and leaned me up against the door while he went to get a wheel chair. Before I knew it I was helped into a wheelchair and we were racing down the corridor towards delivery. Suddenly this head popped up and said did I  know who he was? I was looking frantically for my partner who was running towards me with my bag and shouting it will be ok. This head explained he was the vicar of the chapel that was opposite to the doors. He had seen me and raced to help me. He wheeled me into delivery and wished me well.

In delivery they asked me for a urine sample and I said no, he was crowning but because of the other midwife they wouldnt have it. They insisted on urine samples so I struggled to the loo in agony, dropped my jeans and blood came out. I sounded the alarm and someone come in, took one look at me and yelled for help. I asked for a mop. She said no. Then three midwives came in, hauled me into a chair, one each had my legs and then we were running to a delivery room. Three held me up as my legs had gone while one stripped me, they shouted my partner, and got me onto the bed.

They told me my son had hair and to push,30 seconds later he was out. In one big push. This perfect, 31cm head to toe dark haired little boy. They checked him and cleaned him and gave him to me while they got the placenta out then that other midwife came in and looked shocked. He was tiny but amazing. My little Alex. Hes now six and still small. The size of a four year old but he has big wide blue eyes and hes the only one of my children to have dark hair.

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