Destinations Magazine

A Very Hoosier Holiday: Snowman Cookies

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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A Very Hoosier Holiday
Welcome back to A Very Hoosier Holiday, a guest blogging extravaganza right here on little Indiana!

Anyone is welcome to participate as long as they follow one important rule: the post must pertain to winter or the holiday season. Prepare to read an awesome variety of seasonal postings over the month of December.

You’ve already seen the handiwork from Melissa Stecher–how about one more?

These adorable snowman cookies are so easy to make and look fabulous! They would be great for a bake sale item or a sweet gift.

A Very Hoosier Holiday: Snowman Cookies

Snowmen Cookies Recipe

Snowmen Cookies Recipe

I had four rolls of sugar cookie Dough in the fridge and what better to do with them than make snowman cookies?

All I used was cookies, white icing, white sprinkles, orange icing (Tic Tac could work as well), and black frosting (I used pre-made black food gel).

Once the cookies are baked and cooled frost the cookies with white icing.

To add the sprinkles simply pour them into a bowl and dip the cookies in, twisting around to make sure the entire top of cookie is covered.

Next is the nose: orange frosting in a bag with tip 7 (any medium to large circle tip should work), just place in the middle and pull up in a carrot nose like effect.

From there use the black gel to make two eyes and a dotted coal smile.

About Melissa
Izzy is a whiz in the kitchen. Her favorite way to de-stress is to bake, bake, and bake some more! Her son likes to play the part of “taste tester.”

Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.

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