I just needed to have a little vent today. And I know it's totally safe to vent in this very public forum because the people I need to vent about are dinosaurs when it comes to technology.
And the people I need to vent about - In-Laws!!
Most of us have them and they can certainly be a mixed blessing. Personally I think the reason I find mine so hard to get on with is because there's a huge disparity in the way we treat people. When I make plans with other people I try to stick with those plans. Sure I might be 5 minutes late sometimes but I try to respect others enough to not let them down.
My MIL and SIL - not so much.
About a month ago Iven found out that he needed to take holidays soon or lose them. I'm not fond of him being on holidays when I'm not, seeing as I work from home - feels like he's invading my workspace and slowing me down. So I suggested he go visit his Mum and sister for about a week. They live in Gunnedah which is about 8 hours drive from here. Iven hates the drive but his Mum's 93 now so it's important for him to see her at least once a year.
So Iven did the right thing. He rang his Mum and confirmed a date before booking his holiday. He was set to leave here on Monday. Friday night he gets a call from his sister saying he can only stay for two days now because they've decided to take a trip.
What?? Who does that just two days out? And when Iven can't change his holidays for a more convenient time?
I'd been
So poor Iven's been stuck at home with a sulky wife, no plans for his holiday and no one to do stuff with. Fun times for him!
Vent over.
On to something a little bit lighter. Having sons.
Sons can be basic and gross at times but boy can they make you laugh.
This is a text I received the other day (Names have not been given to protect the perpetrator and punctuation apparently is not important if you're young)
Son : So Im just waiting at the bus stop with my headphones in and im feeling a tiny bit gassy so I let our a sneaky silent one. I turn around a minute later and realize theres a small asian girl behind me and I dont know how long shes been there.. a minute later shes another five steps away from me.. I hope she was just getting out of the sun..
Me: Ha ha ha
The perils of being tall. And I'm just wondering about her nose to your butt height ratio.
Son: Yeah well considering we were on a drive way slope as well the ratio reached deadly.
Like mother like son (I'll admit to having the same experience in a supermarket queue). But I'm proud of my boy. Not for the flatulence. But for feeling just a little shame.
Do daughters do this?