Humor Magazine

A Twofer On a Wednesday.

By Eowyn @DrEowyn


( I Couldn’t stop myself )  :D

Ammunition Is Getting Scarce
This morning I lucked out and was able to buy several cases of ammo. On the way home I stopped at the gas station where a drop-dead gorgeous blonde was filling up her car at the next pump.
She looked at the ammo in the back of my SUV and said in a very sexy voice, “I’m a big believer in barter, big boy”. “Would you be interested in trading sex for ammo?”
I thought a few seconds and asked, “what kinda ammo ya got?”



A social worker from a big city in Massachusetts recently transferred to the mountains of Virginia and was on the first tour of her new territory when she came upon the tiniest cabin she had ever seen in her life. Intrigued, she went up and knocked on the door.
“Anybody home?” she asked.
“Yep,” came a kid’s voice through the door.
“Is your father there?” asked the social worker.
“Pa? Nope, he left afore Ma came in,” said the kid.
“Well, is your mother there?” persisted the social worker.
“Ma? Nope, she left just afore I got here,” said the kid.
“But,” protested the social worker, (thinking that surely she will need to intervene in this situation) “are you never together as a family?”
“Sure, but not here,” said the kid through the door. “This is the outhouse!”
Government workers are so very smart. Aren’t you overjoyed that they’ll soon be handling all our financial, educational and medical dilemmas?

~ Steve~                                      H/T    Wild Bill Alaska

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