So as we were aware the helicopter service would be ending, we decided to make sure we didn't miss the opportunity to visit. We were joined by our gardening friends Chad and John for a great plant day to Tresco.

View of Tresco from the Helicopter

Just in case you had forgotten where you are....

Restoration and maintenance were ongoing whilst we were there
As well as having a large collection of plants, Tresco is also home to a collection of carved figures from boats wrecked on the rocks over the years. The figureheads in the Valhalla collection represent the final century in a tradition dating back over 3,000 years. From earliest times ships' bows have carried carvings of human or animal forms as part of the overall decoration of the vessels. The figures have altered over the centuries. Their pattern, size and shape have adapted to fit new types of ships' hulls, while their artistic style has changed to reflect contemporary fashions.
Tresco Children sculpture by David Wynne in silhouette

Despite it being a wet spring we had lovely blue skies for our trip. Meryta sinclairii

A selection of Cyatheas (C. medullaris, C. cooperii, C. dealbata)
Tall cyathea tree ferns do well in the sheltered and warm micro-climate at Tresco. The garden has many various tree ferns, generally all doing very well, as long as they are sheltered. The islands are battered by strong sea winds so shelter is essential for the tree ferns to do well.

Washingtonia robusta (left) and Rhopalostylis sapida (two on right)
As well as tree ferns, the gardens are home to a wide range of tender palms, the garden was hit by a cold snap in the late 1980s so the more tender plants are all less than 25 years old.

Large Agave americana variegata

Don't forget to look up! Some of the taller palms such as this Butia capitata are covered in epiphytes, but with their heads above the shelter belt some look rather tatty.

Jubaea chilensis

We couldn't write a blog post about the Tresco Abbey Gardens without showing a couple of photos of the small portion of the ruins that remain.

The rocks are covered in all manner of succulents and other xerophytes

Tall Phoenix canariensis in the background and Cordyline indivisa in the bottom left
There are a number of both Phoenix canarienses and Cordyline indivisa across the garden, the Phoenix have clearly been in situ for many years.

Long gravel pathways dissect the garden, I love the pale Cornish granite chippings used for the paths.

Protea cynaroides

From the upper terrace a long flight of steps lead back down to the Tresco Children sculpture.

The view from the upper terraces back over the garden is quite impressive, The bendy Butia capitata in the photo above is interesting but always looks tatty.

A bust of Neptune at the top of the steps

Dasylirion serratifolium

Gaia, the Earth Goddess, surrounded by Cordyline indivisa

Looking back up the Neptune Steps to the bust of Neptune

Encephalartos lehmannii

Brahea armata

Sonchus fruticosus

360 degree Trachycarpus fortunei leaves

Schefflera digitata with juvenile leaves

Agave ferox

Xeronema callistemon
We have been to Tresco four times over the last few years, it seems strange to think that we will have to change the way we get there from now on, but despite that I know we will be back again soon!
Gaz :)