Business Magazine

A Teacher’s Perspective: Career Advice I Wish I Would Have Followed

Posted on the 27 February 2012 by Ncrimaldi @MsCareerGirl
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Although I enjoy my job as a teacher, sometimes I wonder what else I could have done with my life. I suppose that’s why I also started a website for teachers; there has always been a part of me that wished for another career path.

Before, during and even after college, I was given a lot of career advice from my family and mentors. Most of that advice was ignored, because it would have required me to take a great leap of faith. My confidence wasn’t as strong then as it is now. We all know the phrase, “I wish I would have known then what I know now.” I still regret not believing in my abilities or seeking my true passions in life.

Instead, I took the “safe route” in college and earned my teaching degree

but I think had I taken the following advice to heart, I may have chosen a completely different career path:

  • A tough teacher never has a goal of failing all his/her students. They are only simply trying to spur discussion and make you stronger student. (I dropped out of several science and math courses, because I believed I wasn’t smart enough for the coursework).
  • A very cliché but true saying; never take into consideration what other people think or say about you. (I didn’t choose certain majors that I had a passion for because of negative comments from friends and family).
  • Get to know your teachers; they could help you network with potential employers.
  • The only person concerned about your failures or success is you, so make light of your failures and take success very seriously.
  • Start using your college’s career center on the first day of your freshman year.
  • Join a club, sorority/fraternity or other organization, because networking begins in college.
  • If the job posting says “no office visits or phone calls, please,” visit the office and call them on the phone.

If I would have lived my college years by this advice, the experience would have been more rewarding and empowering. However, there aren’t many do-overs in life, so all I can offer now is guidance for those who are currently in college and those who have recently graduated. May you take full advantage of all the opportunities presented to you and find your best career path!

Tagged as: career, career advice, career women, college students career advice, recent graduates

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