Hair & Beauty Magazine

A Taste For Taste – How to Modernise Your Look Without Giving Up Your Personal Style

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Why fit in when you were born to stand out? It's a great adage to live (and dress) by. That's all well and good - until you find yourself in a traditional workplace or a similar corporate environment where stifling conformity is invariably the price of a stable lifestyle (and bank account).

However, there's always a way to modernize your look without giving up your personal style. Whether you dress as part of a subculture or revel in your own unclassifiable style (more power to you) you can always find a way to 'colour in between the lines' without having to necessarily 'fit in the box' - and, keeping comfortable all the while!

The gothic/punk/rock chick

Your natural style: Your favorite shade of lipstick is black or dark red. You love tatts and body piercings. You prefer grungy womens boots to ballet flats - any day of the week. Your old leather jacket is your 'go-to', and you wouldn't be caught dead in preppy attire - nope, not even to please your grandma!

Your sartorial challenge: Walking the line as someone who dresses according to a gothic/punk/rock aesthetic can be difficult. Unless you are lucky enough to be a successful musician or artist (getting to wear the threads you feel most at home in every day without any issues) it can be a damn hard task. Being your own renegade self (especially when it comes to your wardrobe) comes up sharply against society's stringent stipulations.

Your modern fashion fix: Should you find yourself working in an office or attending some kind of 'family friendly situation', it's likely that your pentagram pendant will be met with quite a few disapproving mutterings. So, tuck it firmly beneath your shirt (away from eye gaze) and get on with business. Not quite up for the beige colored stockings and sensible low heeled shoes? Invest in some footwear that treads that indefinable grey area for some serious "corporate-witch-bitch' cred.

The hippy/hipster/boho babe

Your natural style: It's flower power to the max, retro vibes, braided hair and festival inspired threads.

Your sartorial challenge: Let's face it, the modern corporate world doesn't entirely gel with unwashed looking dreads and Rastafarian rainbow-hued hippy hemp sacks. And, while it might give a slightly warmer reception to those hipster cool kid cousins - beanies and excessively torn jeans will still outwear their welcome fast enough. How to modernize the aesthetic of a boho babe?

Your modern fashion fix: There are some fantastic retailers out there that blend contemporary silhouettes with funky, bohemian prints and textures. This means that you can stay quirky, whilst still abiding by most standard wardrobe policies. Or, if you are stuck in a uniform, let your free spirit shine through via your accessories. Great examples could be a vintage scarf, colorful handbag, or cool 'Lennon-esque' shades.

The eclectic/avant-garde gal

Your natural style: You dress in a way that defies any expectations, and your wardrobe is more akin to wearable art than clothing! You might wear a mish-mash of styles complete with conflicting colors - and, give Lady Gaga a run for her money in the 'out-there' stakes. Whether it's oversized statement pieces or controversial prints - you love to raise an eyebrow or two when it comes to your personal presentation.

Your sartorial challenge: Reigning it all in is a difficult task for you. But, what happens when you have a long-haul flight or need to walk your Bengal tiger? Those five-inch stilettos complete with latex spikes and that massive head adornment might fail to hold up. So, how can you favor your flamboyant fashion sensibilities, whilst still being practical?

Your modern fashion fix: You can be eccentric whilst enjoying some comfort in what you choose to wear. A tweed jacket is a great touch. Feel free to clash your patterns and your textures - think soft floral applique with military-inspired hardware accents. You could even try socks and stilettos - remembering (of course) to keep the height of your heels to a practical standard.

Your taste when it comes to modern style

It doesn't matter what your style preference - there is always a way 'to do you' and to be true to your personal taste. You just have to get creative and be willing to so a little compromising. Whether you lean towards a subculture when it comes to your wardrobe - or completely defy any category, you can modernize your look with a slight variance to accommodate for modern life and daily practicalities.


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