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A Smartphone Is Your Dog’s Best Friend

By David13676 @dogspired

A Smartphone Is Your Dog’s Best FriendBeyond being a very expensive chewing toy for your dog, smartphones are also a nice treat for pet owners. Whether you are looking for new and exciting activities, need to locate a nearby vet or like to send pictures of your pup to friends and family, there are great mobile apps that will have you wagging your tail.

Here are the five best apps for dog owners.

Dog Park Finder Plus (iPhone, iPod Touch $1.99)

You might know all about your local dog parks. But what if you are traveling or visiting another neighborhood? Dog Park Finder Plus has a database of more than 6,000 parks across the country. The app locates nearby parks based on your location and lets you know the hours and various amenities. Even better, the app tracks more than 12,000 dog-friendly restaurants so it’s great to have if you’re taking Fido on a long walk this summer and want to stop off for some grub or a cool beverage. This official app of http://www.doggoes.com uses Google Maps to track your location and show where you can find new parks and dog-friendly facilities. Have some feedback about a park you visited? Write a review and share recommendations with friends.

MapMyDOGWALK (iPhone, iPod Touch, Android Free)

If you like to multitask and incorporate a bit of a workout into your dog walks, then download this free app that tracks your distance and calories burned. Powered by MapMyFitness, which has similar apps for runners and bikers, MapMyDOGWALK can get straight to work once you enter your height and weight. You have the option to share all of your activity on Facebook and Twitter as well. And there are also benefits for your dog. When you find a new trail that your dog loves (or where she feels more comfortable doing her business), the app will track past routes and store for later use. This is probably the healthiest app option on this list.

TextaPet (iPhone, iPod Touch Free)

While many people consider Facebook’s recent IPO to be a dog, this app actually is a social network for dogs, cats and all sorts of domesticated animals. Of course it’s up to you to create a profile, which will run you an additional 99 cents. From there, you can share pictures of your pet with other friends who own the app, as well as through the popular social networks. You can also search for your friends’ pets and comment on pictures and posts.

MyPetED (iPhone, iPod Touch $1.99)

This app provides an all-in-one resource for your pet’s medical and nutritional needs. This includes training, diet and first-aid tips, a database of potential health problems, and links and numbers to vets near you. There is also a lost and found feature to report a missing pet (also includes a database to review if you see a stray). Own an Android? The 99-cent Pet Manager app provides a similar function.

Dog Translator (iPhone, iPod Touch Free)

This entertaining novelty app purports to translate what your dog is barking into English or whatever language you designate. The technology is far from scientifically verified, and doesn’t exactly match the level of sophistication of Siri or a music discovery service like Shazam. Dog Translator works more or less like a Magic 8 Ball. Hold your phone next to a barking dog, and 10 seconds later a tongue-in-cheek response will appear.

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