Fashion Magazine

A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley

A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY
I made a vintage statement necklace for my darling daughter for her college graduation.
A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY
I used some keepsake pieces that she had had since she was little.Pieces that otherwise would never be worn again.
A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY
Ellis also prefers her jewelrymuch less bold than my selfso this statement necklace was a perfect opportunity to try a new technique in it's creation.
A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY
I was also able  to use many vintage earringsinstead of just broochesas I wanted the necklace to finish much simpler.
A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY
I have found vintage earrings to be even easierand less expensive to find at vintage and flea markets.This necklace is also the perfect way to make use ofsingle earringsgiving them a new life and purpose.
A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY
This simple version of my vintage statement  necklacebegins just the same as my larger necklacewith a beaded woven base.This type of base to begin with is the secret to this much easier necklace process.
A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY
Just like last timehave all of your pieces gatheredand lay them out in your desired pattern.
A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY
For the earrings I simplyremoved the back clipswith my wire cutters.
A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY
For the collectable pinsI also just removed the back findings.
A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY
The trick to making this necklaceso easily
all the pieces are simply hot glued on!
Because of the beaded basethat acts as a mesh the pieces adhere wonderfully!
Ellis has worn her necklace oftenwith no casualties!
Another trick to be sureis to make sure there is enough glueused so that it really attaches to the beadspressing the piece down hardand hold it in place for 20-30 seconds for the best adherence.
A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY
Because of the weave of the basethe glue doesn't even seep throughresulting in not onlya much quicker processthen wiring each piece onbut the back look clean and finished as well!
A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY
I am ever so happy how this Simple Vintage Statement Necklace turned out!
Not only beautifulbut full of sentiment as well!
A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY
A Simple Vintage Statement Necklace DIY
As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life

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