The concepts of computer networks are quite tough to understand but once the users are very clear with the basics then they can achieve a lot. It seems very difficult to establish connections or modify their network settings but those are not really tough as we imagine. However, the basic understanding about the computers and its network setting are mandatory to know otherwise it would be tough. The government and defense sectors only were using the networks and internet at the beginning. Fortunately, the huge growth of the internet makes everyone to avail its facilities these days. The local or home network users can easily change their router’s default URL and Credentials. However, they should know how to access them technically. There are some vendor management tools are also used by the network administrators to perform lot of tasks.
Steps to access default gateway address:
On the internet, many of the users are asking about how they can access their router’s setting page without any software or network management tools. Here, they can find some useful steps, which let them to achieve it.

- The users should ensure the connectivity of the router and computer. The router also needs to be switched on.
- The ISP like Linksys set the default IP address for their modems while manufacturing it. However, it can be changed later, if the users desire.
- They set the default IP address as It ranges up to
- To access the router’s configuration page, the users need to type the default IP on their web browser and need to press enter.
- A configuration page will be opened automatically and then users need to enter the default Admin and Password as Admin.
- Now, the users can access the settings to change the Credentials and URL. Finally, they need to click on the apply settings and save button.
- The URL can be changed for easy remembering purpose. The changed settings will take effect from the next login.
How to avoid traffic in home network?
The local or home network users can various peripherals in their network. However, the home network has the ability to process or establish a connection with a peripheral once. Accessing the router frequently or accessing it from different peripherals may cause the IP conflict. So, the users are highly recommended to access the server once at a time. Similarly, the users who are not aware about changing the settings or configuring the router manually are advised to use the vendor management applications. The tools for the network connectivity have all the facilities and it let the users to perform some important tasks with few clicks. It eliminates the need of making manual errors while configuring the local or home networks. Similarly, it also comes with the help option, which explains the usage of tools and its features. Those who do not know to use some of the special features should read them to learn its usage and functionalities.