Religion Magazine

A Simple Guide for Optimal Living

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
What Is The Meaning Of Life?
That is the title of the blog on this website. 
One interpretation of the meaning of life involves the impact of sin.  Since the Bible is about Christianity and Christianity is largely about Jesus atoning for your sin this is a relevant topic. 
What is sin?
Sin is a translated Greek word for "missing the mark."  In the case of these posts the mark is abiding in Jesus Christ and progressing in a personal relationship.
Under the Old Covenant sin was associated with following the law.  Under the New Covenant it is not as much about "breaking" the law, but rather about missing the mark in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  If you miss the mark your relationship it is not all that it could be and all that God wants it to be.
Since the prize in the end is to be with Jesus in heaven this is important.

A Different Perspective

What do you of when you hear the word sin?  Many would think of the 10 Commandments.
The Bible makes it clear that sin has consequences. After all it includes the notion of Judgment Day and standing before God with what you did in your life.  Any way it is sliced sin is something people would tend to avoid if they are thinking about eternity.
Since it is likely something you would like to avoid, this post looks at one of the pitfalls of this scenario in daily life.
The different angle is an observation of one of the things that often leads to sin.  What is it?
Trying To Be What You Are Not Can Lead To Sin
Some wise writer a long time ago discovered that one thing that leads to sin is desiring more than you in your current situation.  How does this work in daily life?
For example, if your neighbor has something nice, like a nice car, then you probably would want something nice, too.  This is just being human, isn't it?

Trying to be what you are not and sin

From Shutterstock

What does this lead to, though?  Things like:
  • Feelings of disappointment and lower self-esteem
  • Speaking rudely to others
  • Complaining about your own circumstances
  • Spending money you don't really have to show others you are not far behind
  • Perhaps stealing, or other behavior that is not condoned
  • And what is the 10th Commandment?  Envy.
Of course, these things do not sound good. The down side to sin might seem to concealed to you at the time but it can manifest itself in the long term.  There are reasons why Jesus does not want people to sin.

What is the remedy?  

As Saint Paul states in the New Testament,
Be thankful in all circumstances.   - 1 Thessalonians 5:18
When a person first hears this he might think the author sounds crazy.  It does not sound rational to be thankful when bad things are happening.  Saint Paul seems to be saying it is all part of God's plan for your good in the end.  Humans only are aware of a small part of the whole picture.
Are you trying to be what you are not?
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What Sin Is And Isn't
Discontentment Is A Sin
Author:  Albert Wagner

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