Fashion Magazine

A Rosy Weekend { Home }

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

India AlexandraI went home a weekend ago and it was glorious. A week spent at home, lounging, chilling, eating, prosecco, fresh, fresh, fresh Scottish air and many a lie-in – bliss. And yes, I was greeted at Edinburgh Waverley Station with a bunch of roses from my lifelong admirer, my father. I knew he was always a good egg, not like how they make them these days! I jest because I’ve actually been enjoying a couple of dates down here in London, however no flowers as of yet. But, back to my time at home, we checked out a new bar { post coming } and went for a picnic the following day, on Sunday. Now, you know the Struthers and well, our picnics tend to always end up not as we planned so we ended up on impromptu rendezvous via Greywalls Edinburgh. We do love our nature, with a side of sunshine and a chilled glass of beautiful Sancerre all whilst walking around the utterly stunning gardens chock-a-block with peonies at Greywalls. Our last visits were ::                    this time / this time & this time Being me, of course I forgot ...

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