This book seeks to present a more comprehensive examination of the world system we live in by asking and answering some very important questions: What is the nature of our society? How did we get here? When did this begin? Who brought us here? Where are we going? Why? …. and what can we do to change it?
The aim of the book is to compile a more expansive understanding of the world system we live in within one or two volumes, to make it accessible, readable, and understandable by a wide readership around the world, to help in promoting an understanding of the true nature of our system and the power structures within it, and to inform action of those who seek to change the world for the better. It is highly critical of both the ideas and institutions of domination and those which seek to challenge it. With several hundred pages written and several thousand citations thus far included, this is a heavily researched project, grounded in methods of research that would be acceptable in an academic environment, but seeking to make the content understandable to those who need it: the people. The aim of this approach is to base the research in accepted and respected sources (thus, removing the content of the book away from the realm of “conspiracy theory” and placing it in the realm of “fact-based historical interpretation”), and more importantly, to present the content in a form which can make it relevant and useful, for encouraging debate, discussion, understanding, the proliferation of new ideas, and urging people to discover new ways to challenge the old and move forward to the new.
For this week only (October 31 – November 6, 2011): for every $100.00 or more that is donated to The People’s Book Project, the donor will receive an entire sample chapter from the book!
So what chapter will the donors have exclusive access to?
The chapter deals with the specific concept of the “New World Order,” from the ending of the Cold War, and the roles played by Western NGOs, foundations, think tanks, and elites in “opening up” Eastern Europe to Western domination, to the political concept of a “new world order” as articulated by intellectual elites within the United States, the concept of “global governance” as a central feature of the “new world order,” the development of centers for the study of “global governance” at major universities throughout the West, and the development and content of the curriculum of “global governance” studies as a form of social engineering undertaken largely by the dominant American foundations, designed to produce elites and intellectuals for a new global system of “global governance,” the differences between “global governance” and “global government,” and the resurgence of the promotion for a “world government” to rule the world, and a brief historical examination of the intellectual movement in promoting the concept of “world government” in the first several decades of the 20th century, as well as the development of the anti-globalization movement, and its subsequent co-optation by the major American foundations as a means to incorporate the opposition to globalization into a direct component of the process and structure of “global governance.”
It is an important chapter in the book, covering the transition from the Cold War into the New World Order, examining the ideas, institutions and individuals who were and are central to this global transformation.
For every donation over $100.00 between October 31 and November 6, 2011, the donor will receive this chapter in full after November 6!

All financial information is made publicly available on the website for The People’s Book Project, in keeping with the project philosophy of promoting independence, accountability, democracy, and inclusion. I encourage people to make comments, suggestions and critiques and want people to be more included in the process of my writing this book. I write Project Updates to inform of my progress, ideas, research and developments, and list the time I spend on the project and how much I am compensated (via the donations) for that time.
I am a 24 year-old independent researcher and writer living in Montreal, Canada. This is my only source of income, as I seek to dedicate my time and efforts into making this book the best possible book I can possibly write, and can already say with absolute confidence that I have never put as much effort, time, or resources into anything I have ever done in my life thus far. Hence, my asking for donations in this Project is a means of dedicating myself entirely to this book, while still having the capacity to afford food and rent. Further, the method in which donations are raised from the public (via social media and the Internet) stands as an example as to how many projects and initiatives aimed at social innovation and new ideas can be undertaken and implemented without the interference or threat of co-optation that comes with all other sources of funding. Your donations keep this research and writing totally independent of any institutional or powerful influences. There is something to say for a book that seeks to challenge the global power structure with new ideas, if it is in fact created through a process which undermines the ability of those power structures to influence its development.
If you cannot support the project financially, there are several other ways. Please “like” the Facebook page and promote it to your friends and social groups, please spread the word and promote the website and introduce others to this new Project.
All of your support is greatly appreciated,
Thank you very much,
Andrew Gavin Marshall