Family Magazine

A Re-Birthday….

By Saveeverystep @saveeverystep

It’s rare that I mention my third child on this Blog directly, but today is a special birthday for her. Yes, she’s a girl. Did you know I had a third child? Oh, fine, then let me put that right immediately! This is the technological offspring, to which giving birth was infinitely more painful than the human fleshy kidlings. And today, she is RE-born! That calls for balloons.

family stories

We christened her; catchy eh? It seemed like a fine name for a child who is devoted to enabling YOU and the multiple generations of your family to capture and preserve the memories and stories of your collective lifetimes, for posterity.

You might already use a Blog as the method by which you record the development of your children through the years. You may be a scrap-booker, or simply squirrel away everything of significance in a big box in the garage. Whatever your method, if you’re saving your memories for a future generation, I applaud you.

If, on the other hand, you don’t yet have a means with which you can celebrate past times, re-live your childhood, or ensure that you pass on the stories of your life to your children, I would implore you to find one. If SaveEveryStep can help any one of you, I will die a happy woman (not yet hopefully, that would be unfortunate on the week of re-launch).

family stories

If you have a friend or relative who you think could benefit from a brief trot down memory lane, or a parent whose lifetime memoir is simply screaming to be jemmied from them with a crow-bar, or if you belong to a school community who have a desperate need to manage their archives or share daily school life with parents, then please point them in our direction. I rarely beg, it’s terribly unbecoming, but the sand is running through the hour glass, folks. When they’re gone, their stories are gone too. Trust me, this is the reason I gave birth to this baby in the first place….

The site is back with a sleek new look, amazing value pricing, and some fantastic new features:-

  • The cool new Lifeline layout enables you to view your memories in chronological order on mobile devices, without any software downloads
  • You can now share any public Event on Facebook, Twitter or by email, like this!
  • You can still ‘Try before you Buy’ – it won’t cost a penny to register and have a go before committing, and there are excellent value price plans for every pocket
  • We’ll soon also be bringing in an iPhone app to help you create Lifeline events on the move – real-time memory preservation!

family stories

Why not take a quick peek, or tell a friend?

We are looking for Bloggers who might be interested in reviewing the all-new SaveEveryStep website. Please contact Helen if you’re interested in testing it out.

Happy Re-Birthday Baby!

Helen, Founder of SaveEveryStep

A Re-Birthday….
A Re-Birthday….
A Re-Birthday….
A Re-Birthday….
A Re-Birthday….
A Re-Birthday….

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