Liberty Sage High Low "Boyfriend" Tee c/oTribal Print Jogger Pants (similar)Steve Madden Rubin Bootie c/o DSWAnthropologie Manon Floppy Hat (similar)ILY Couture Gold Simple Bar Necklace c/o H&M HandbagMAC Lipstick in "Ruby Woo"
1. Yesterday on our walk back to the parking lot from a long and sweaty day at Disneyland, I stopped by Sephora to take a gander at all of the wonderful beauty products I never knew I was missing. Somehow I ended up in the Anastasia Beverly Hills brow section, and the Dipbrow Pomade changed my world. Have you tried that stuff? Holy eyebrow paradise! Makes for the fullest, archiest brows in all the land. Move over, Lily Collins! My brows are growing out and coming back with a vengeance!
2. Fact: According to a study, women's tears have been found to reduce testosterone and arousal in men (source). They theorized that the evolutionary effect of tears could be linked to menstruation. Women clearly cry more during that time of the month, which is obviously not the most effective time to have sex since getting knocked up probably ain't happening, and is obviously the most ideal time to decrease sexual arousal in your partner. Do what you will with this information, ladies, but don't tell your significant other I told you! ;)
3. So, what do you think about all of the celebrity photo hacking? I find it absolutely unnerving that their clouds were able to be accessed, and I also find it interesting that Apple has yet to release a statement about it. (Or at least they haven't yet as I am writing this at 11 pm on Monday night.) Seems more like may the odds be never in your favor, JLaw.
4. Do you ever have those moments where you swear your Pandora station (I am not really a Spotify person — you could say I like the element of surprise) is peering into your soul and plays everything nostalgic and dear to you? Right in a row? That was last night. Every love song that I've ever weeped and rejoiced over played, like, for over an hour in consecutive order. Don't know if the universe is trying to communicate something to me, but I had butterflies in my stomach for a solid 45 minutes. The one that really tugged at my heart was "This Year's Love" by David Gray. That song holds so many memories and a special place in my soul, and the ironic part is I haven't heard it in years. My heart practically thumped out of my chest. Music is incredible, and I love the power it has to bring about a vivid rush of emotions and memories. That, and scents.
5. Would you rather lose your ability to speak or read?