Family Magazine

A Pain in the Neck

By Saveeverystep @saveeverystep

This is my neck.

No, I do not have a new bow tie. In actual fact, for the purpose of serious medical instruction, I have Pritt-sticked a piece of green felt to this part of my body. No smirking in the back, please.

family stories
Until last Friday, this neck had served me pretty well. Or so I thought until the results of some blood tests came in and confirmed that is has been seriously and secretly letting me down.

Apparently, there is  a strain of underactive (Hypo)thyroidism running in the family. I have it. So, it seems, does just about everyone else; none of whom thought it worth mentioning, and of which I, as a consequence have been blissfully unaware up to this point. Awesome.

family stories

I don’t actually have any pain in the neck at all, but thanks to this little gland’s inability to pump hormones around my body, I do have them just about everywhere else. Thyroid – small, ugly, but important, apparently.

So there you have it. My let-down body part, an unintended (and hitherto unknown) part of my genealogy and family stories.

Now, where did I put those pills?

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