Fashion Magazine

A Night in a Souk

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

Harry Gordon's BarBecause no good story { blog post } started with a photo of a glass of water. Actually, not much in my life starts with a glass of water, true story. Back to this blog and this post, one of my final ‘long time ago’ posts you will be pleased to know! This was the final time back in March of being down in London and what a fun night was had. Starting with goats and ewes cheese, honey, champagne and the most delicious fig and almond thing at Harry Gordon’s Bar. Honestly I could have sat all day eating that fig and almond thing, it was that good. Also honey with cheese? Such a good combination. After freshening up at the Saville Club we entered the fabulous souk of Momo on Heddon Street. We enjoyed sitting in their cafe part first for drinks, before moving on into their restaurant which Lunez managed to find us a table specially in the madness of Saturday night! Moroccan places always photograph so well, don’t they? It was the perfect place on a Saturday night to go; buzzy, warm, good service and delicious nibbles. You can’t really go wrong with humous and champagne can you? Looking back ...

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