Fashion Magazine

A Must-Do for Girlfriends.

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
A Must-Do for Girlfriends. Girlfriends are a very important part to each of our lives.  Period.  No exceptions.  They truly are.  Are you nodding your head up and down as you're reading this?  Uh-huh, I thought so. 
A girlfriend is there during the good times, the bad times, the funny times, and the oh my goodness times!  How about the times when you receive a text or a dramatic phone call and you need to available STAT!  ...the oh my goodness times...  We've all had these! 
As a girlfriend you are required to be there in a moment's notice and due to the technology of today it's entirely possible; phone, text, Facebook, Skype, etc. 
A Must-Do for Girlfriends.We also cry, laugh, smile, listen, argue, yell, apologize, and laugh some more.  Yes, as girlfriends we do at times disagree or argue but, that's what friends do.  We kiss and make-up too!
For me, I schedule "frequent" virtual coffee dates or phone dates.  Yes, I really do.  You see some of my best gal pals live out of state and I can't always be in-person but, I'm always a phone call a way (or a text).
What's a "typical" fun evening for you and a girlfriend? 
For me, it typically involves a glass of vino (or bottle) and a deep conversation.
A Must-Do for Girlfriends.

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