This has got to be depressing for the lying hypocrite in the White House. It seems that 54% of the public thinks he should NOT run for re-election in 2020, while only 30% thinks he should run -- a negative gap of 24 points. And that is the opinion of nearly every demographic group -- men (by an 11 point margin), women (37 point margin), 18-29 (35 point margin), 30-44 (23 point margin), 45-64 (21 point margin), 65+ (22 point margin), Whites (12 point margin), Blacks (75 point margin), Hispanics (45 point margin), Democrats (74 point margin), and Independents (31 point margin).
The only group that thinks he should run again are Republicans --by a positive 40 point margin.
Trump remains a deeply unpopular president.
This chart was made from information in a new Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between September 3rd and 5th of a random national sample of 1,500 adults (including 1,309 registered voters), with a 3 point margin of error.