Arts & Crafts Magazine

a Little Bit in Limbo

By Whollykao @whollyKao

02-whollyKao_gottaRelax I was a little uncertain what life would look like for me post-holiday season. From November to December, everything was rush rush rush to get orders out the door. Now that things have settled, I have a lot more time to myself. I’m really enjoying the fact that I’m my own boss, but since I don’t have many orders to fill, I feel a little directionless.

I think I just need to realize that life can’t always be about doing things, and that I need to sit back and reflect at times as well. I’m also working on setting goals for each week, ranging from creative to business to meeting up with friends more often.

In the meantime, I’m getting my work space set up at home. The basic things I needed were a jeweler’s bench, a torch, and a flex shaft (it’s a fancy Dremmel-type tool that lets you drill and polish metal), and I finally have all three. I was lucky enough to score the jeweler’s bench for a good price from the Craft Guild where I take classes. I’ll post some pics when I’m all set up!

I don’t doubt that there are exciting things to come in the future with regards to the jewelry biz. I am just anxious for those things to happen!

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