Tonight it is 12:30am and I can't sleep...there is nothing on TV that I want to watch and I am bored with Facebook Baby F only had one hour long nap today from 4-5pm so he was ready for bed around 10pm! He put up a little bit of a fight but his tummy was gurgling so I gave him some gripe water and it seems to have helped. I decided to write another blog post even though I already wrote my Quinny Buzz review today, I will probably skip writing a post tomorrow because we have a coffee date with a friend tomorrow after lunch. Since the time change I have a totally different schedule I am going to bed before 2am!! & I am usually writing my blog posts shortly after Baby F and I wake up in the morning. I have been eating breakfast and lunch EVERYDAY and it is making a huge difference in the way I feel throughout the day :) Life is good.
Baby F does not have a lot of toys...he has a fair amount but because we are moving soon I try to limit what we buy because he really doesn't need many to keep himself occupied. Actually he is content to bang a wooden block on the tile floor in our kitchen, or smash a cardboard box with his teething ring LOL It seems no matter what toys we buy him he is just as happy playing with everyday items like a bottle of water or his plastic cup that I use for bath time. Anything that he can make a noise with makes this child happy as a pig in...well you know LOL
Baby F did not show much interest in toys until he was 5-6 months old...when he was around 3 months he would pick up his rattle and chew on it but that was about it. On his First Christmas he was more interested in the wrapping paper than what was inside any of his presents. One of the presents Santa brought Baby F was a wooden train with blocks on it...even now at 8 months old he is not interested in stacking toys but he really enjoys knocking it over and playing with all the blocks. I love that he is happy playing with simple toys...I think some of the toys on the market for kids today are just way to complicated and electronic they probably don't help build imagination.
Another toy that he loves is his Playskool Busy Basics Step Start Walk 'n Ride. When Baby F started pulling to standing position we decided it would be good to get him a "walker" toy to help him learning how to walk, but he is not quite sturdy enough to push this toy around in the walker position yet. He loves to sit on it and play with the toys on it while he watches TV or he will crawl around pushing it.
We won a Facebook contest for a $25 gift card from a local kids consignment store after the holidays and I thought it would be cool to get Baby F a baby laptop because he is always trying to play with our computers...I found one from the consignment store...there is no name brand on it anywhere so I am not even sure what it is. At first he did not show much interest in it but recently he has discovered that he can push certain buttons and they make musical sounds!! He is very interested in anything musical! We also got him the Leapfrog Learn And Groove Radio from the consignment store, it is pretty cool because it is bilingual, Baby F seems to like it. My Fiance also bought Baby F Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes it is really great to distract him in the car and its pretty cool because the tunes are not annoying like some baby toys. I know I said I don't care for electronic toys BUT this weekend when I was shopping at Goodwill I found a Leapfrog Baby Guitar for 99 cents! I could not pass up that deal especially because Baby F LOVES music so much. It is very cute and also bilingual :) Even with quite a few electronic toys I find that Baby F prefers to play with simple toys like blocks or balls so I don't plan on buying any more electronic toys for a while because they are just taking up space. After the move I will be shopping for some more traditional baby toys that inspire his little imagination. -Earth Sea Mama