How is this happening?
My heart is overwhelmed with sadness for the poor people suffering horrendous atrocities at the hands of malicious terrorists in Iraq.
***if you aren’t aware of the news, you can read more here***
I want to do something. But what? I can pray. That’s all I know to do. I feel so helpless. I want to help but I can’t.
I got to tuck my babies into their beds tonight. Their safe, clean beds. With water on their nightstands and clean teeth. Full tummies and bedtime stories.
Today was not without it’s difficulties. But nothing, nothing that I have ever experienced in my life even begins to compare with what these poor people have been experiencing.
Please, let it stop. I’m not generally in support of the US playing “world police” but in this case, I can’t help but hope that our military will go protect these innocents.
Some may say that we don’t have the money, or resources, or spare manpower.
I don’t care.
If it were my family in danger I would hope and pray that someone, anyone would come. To protect us, to save us. I keep writing out details about what these people are experiencing and I can’t bring myself to even type the words. It’s horrific. They are so helpless and vulnerable.
This is not oil wars or politics. This is basic human rights being violated at the most extreme level.
I can’t handle it. It has preoccupied my mind and heart all day; and I’ve struggled to actually take it all in.
I hugged my babies a little tighter tonight. Spent a bit more time reading before bed. Threw the ball with Henry a few minutes longer at dusk. Held my Etta girl longer and snuggled her closer while I gave her her bedtime milk.
It seems unbelievable that people could do these things to each other. Could it be possible that any of us are capable of things like this when our hate goes unchecked? When it is left to fester and grow and become a part of who we are at our core?
Let me not forget to forgive. Let me always remember to love.