A Healthy Lifestyle Needn’t Cost a Fortune.

Admittedly, organic foods cost more money than non-organic ingredients but there is no denying the benefits they bring. One of the best ways to afford these options is to save money in other areas. For example dried legumes cost a fraction of their tinned or canned counterparts. By buying a slow cooker and cooking them while you sleep you will save a large amount of money over time while putting in no extra work.
If you’re in Manhattan or London this may prove difficult but if possible get in your car and drive out to the countryside, pull into the first farm you see and introduce yourself to the proprietor. Quite often you will find that this will allow you to buy their wares directly and cut out the markup of the middle man. Alternatively, go down to your local farmer’s market and start collecting business cards.
Equally beneficial is buying as a collective, in this internet age it is easier than ever to find like- minded people to join you in your purchases to get a better price.
Learn to butcher and by a side of beef. The money you will save is staggering. Additionally, consider buying produce in bulk and learning to preserve by drying or pickling.
Lastly, do not discount the idea of growing your own food. Even if space is limited in your home or apartment if you have any sunlight at all an herb garden is an option and an expensive item in most shops.
Unless building muscle or looking to hulk about town, get rid of your gym membership if you are among the many who pays for it and never uses it. Granted you’re probably roped into a 46 year contract guaranteed by a credit card but ditch it if at all possible.
Walking or running is free outside of proper footwear and there are a number of body toning exercises that can be done in the comfort of your own home saving both gas/petrol and time compared to a gym.
Pilates, yoga, basic weight work, and exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, etc., provide an opportunity to keep yourself in great shape and stave off heart disease.
Stress is a killer and a hindrance to any real sense of proper mental health which not surprisingly affects you physical health. Stress not only, at its worst, destroys cells but produces cortisol, a hormone that increases blood sugar as well as suppressing the immune system. Not necessarily a bad thing, however, in the long term it can damage the hippocampus, the part of the brain that you require in order to learn new things. Increases in blood sugar ultimately leads to weight gain as well.
There are a few simple, and free things that should aid you on your way to wellness. Sleep. That’s it, just get more sleep.
Deep breathing is not only relaxing but increases the flow of oxygen to the brain making it a more efficient thinking machine.
Exercise. That’s it. Get some if you’re getting none. Do a bit more if only moderately fit. It is one of the most natural and easiest stress relievers available.
If you are finding it difficult to maintain a healthy diet at work, then why not try bringing a healthy packed lunch to work and pack it in one of the fun and imaginative bento boxes that are available on-line. Large Bento boxes are also a great way to pack a variety of different snacks allowing you to vary your meal with different ingredients