Mont Royal, Montréal, Canada – Credit: Cendrine Marrouat
I recently started revisiting pictures that I had taken a while ago and sharing the results on Flickr, 500px, Facebook, and Google+. It is a fun and relaxing activity, and people’s reactions have been very positive overall.
Last night, while I was editing the image you see here, two sentences kept popping up in my mind: “A good business is like a good picture. It draws your attention like a magnet and makes you want to share it with the world.”
A beautiful photo tells authentic stories that trigger feelings and emotions in the viewer. It also is an invitation to connect with the photographer and his vision. Because without his passion for the world and his eye for detail, there would be no image at all.
The best businesses work exactly in the same way. The people who run them are enthusiastic, engaging, and human. They want what they share with us to be meaningful, relatable, and satisfying.
Beautiful pictures make people happy. Brands that care turn simple things into delightful experiences — every day!