Marketing & Advertising Magazine

A Game Changer In Curated Spotify Salon Music Playlists!

Posted on the 03 October 2016 by Jennquinn

For a while, we’ve been putting together Spotify salon music playlists to spare you the time-consuming exercise. However, we’re happy to share some truly exciting news with you from the musical powerhouse: Soundtrack Business has arrived, and it truly is a game changer.

Spotify Salon Music Made Easy: Legal & Professionally Curated

spotify salon music

The way it works is that you subscribe to the service for 34,99€ per location and month, and get to control all your locations (musically that is), display your sound and access ready-made curated soundtracks.


Soundtracks are playlists. But not any playlists: week-long ones that go beyond traditional genres and that are always updated.

Using Spotify’s user data, the team behind Soundtrack Business cover many styles and are intended to make your life as an owner easier. Oh and they make sure no explicit tracks make their way into any of the lists. Safe for work and around the kids!

spotify salon music

Controlling your locations

What this means is that with one account you can have many users and share your soundtrack in your many branches – if so you wished. Gives a smooth coherence to your brand, across branches. Oh, and they thought of everything as well: use your phone as a remote control. Makes fine-tuning volume or skipping songs easily!

spotify salon music

Why Giving Your Salon A Voice Is So Important

Music in retail is a long studied field (since the 80’s, to be more precise). But music doesn’t only increase sales when used right in businesses; it also lets your customers get a feel for who you are as a brand. And that’s important because it can play a significant impact on your reputation.

In fact, it has been said that because music is more subjective than visual elements, people tend to have much stronger feelings about what’s being played when they’re around. Interesting, right? If you’d like to know more about how music can influence buying behaviour, click right here!

And so there you have it: the perfectly legal business salon music solution. No more need for disclaimers! 

 Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for reading!


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