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A Fun Minecraft Party!

By Seasideinteriors @seasideinterio1
We survived the Minecraft party!  There was a lot of fun things that we were able to create for my son's birthday.  You can see the invitations here.   The boys had a sleep over that started with tacos for dinner.  Then we opened presents and ate cake and other desserts.  After dinner the boys played the Minecraft game against each other and finished the evening off by building the Minecraft pig and creeper.  After that, they were free to wear the Steve Heads and jump into a bunch of boxes that Dustin painted gray for them to build and destroy.  So today I thought I would catch up on all of the decorations, food, etc.
Here's the party...
A Fun Minecraft Party!  This is where the kids ate and did the crafts later on in the evening.   My friend and I worked for quite a while on the windows to make them look like the Minecraft glass.  Just some scissors and white electrical tape did the trick for the windows.  I added some blue diamonds on the table and the Steve Heads in the center to finish it off.
A Fun Minecraft Party! I had my husband run to the UPS store and print up the pdf file for the Steve Heads.  He also picked up two 10 x 10 boxes to use for the heads.  You can get the directions for the Steve Head here.
A Fun Minecraft Party! A little black electrical tape and some green balloons and I had some hanging creepers.       A Fun Minecraft Party!  We continued with the white electrical tape on to the sliding glass door.    
A Fun Minecraft Party! For the drinks, I went with bottled water and creeper juice in creeper cups. 
A Fun Minecraft Party!
A Fun Minecraft Party! The cups were also done with black electrical tape.
A Fun Minecraft Party! I made the water bottle wraps using Photoshop.
A Fun Minecraft Party! The creeper juice was created from a bottle of 7UP, a can of limeade, and a bit of green food coloring. * Crazy kid behind the creeper juice not included ;-)
Cookie Decorating
A Fun Minecraft Party!       Krispy Coal A Fun Minecraft Party! Since Coal is a big part of Minecraft, I thought creating some Rice Krispy coal for the kids to eat would be fun.  I followed these directions and changed the method of heating.  I always use the microwave where I can.  So I got a microwavable bowl and threw in the butter and marshmallows and warmed them up by using the defrost button.  I just kept checking and stirring every 30 seconds or so until it was all combined.  Then I added the black food coloring and the krispies to finish it off.  It helps if you spray the bowl with Crisco spray so that the marshmallow doesn't stick. 
  A Fun Minecraft Party! I loved creating this Minecraft shirt using freezer paper.  It was so fun and easy that I made two of them within 30 minutes.  Check here for directions.  I ended up drawing mine on graph paper like the directions show, since the link to the template did not work.
Supplies Shirt Freezer Paper Fabric Paint Exacto Knife Cutting Mat or Cardboard Paint Dobber or Sponge         A Fun Minecraft Party! Minecraft Creeper Wall Display   This guy took four packs of plates to create.  I found the idea Here.  If you are looking to do a smaller version of it, then you can just use the dessert size plates.  I think that's what they did in the link I found and it was a good size.  I used dinner sized plates to create mine.      A Fun Minecraft Party! The Dessert Table   I made some signs for the dessert table and created the boxes for the TNT dynamite on Photoshop.   I know I mentioned that I would show a couple hints on how I make cakes, but I had to put it together in a really short amount of time so I will give some hints on an upcoming bridal shower cake I am doing in a few weeks.      A Fun Minecraft Party! I cut an old small Kool-Aid box in half and wrapped the TNT sign around it.       A Fun Minecraft Party! Really quick and easy Minecraft cake.  Might just be the easiest decorated cake I have made before.  I was pretty excited considering the fact that I was running out of time on the day of the party.     A Fun Minecraft Party! Minecraft Creeper Truffles   I used the same method to make the Creeper Truffles as I did to make my daughter's Lego Truffles.  I finished it off by adding the creeper face and some Minecraft tags I made in Photoshop.       To finish the party up, we made some goody bags and filled them with Minecraft things.   A Fun Minecraft Party! I was originally going to do Green goody bags with Creeper faces, when I came across this design using Steve faces on XL Paper bags.  I thought this was way more inventive.  I found the idea for the bags and the candy bars Here.  I also added some of the blue plastic diamonds to the bags.  The ones that you can see on the dinner table in the picture at the top.  I didn't get a chance to take pics of the last two items that I added to the bags.  One was a lump of krispy coal that I put in an individual clear bag and attached a green and white krispy coal sticker.  The other was another TNT treat.  I put a TNT card in clear treat bags, threw in some twizzlers and tied it off with some twine.  These were actually my favorite, so I wish I had some pics of them :-(   Oh yes and the banner was a free printable that I found online Here. I printed an additional page of the Creeper face so that I could make two banners out of the one.   All in all the party a lot of fun and the kids seemed to love it, especially this guy...   A Fun Minecraft Party!     If you enjoyed this post and don't want to miss out ;-) click up top there on the right and follow along!     For information on my on-line design services, please click here     For on-site design services {Greater Hampton Roads and Richmond Virginia}, please email seasideinteriors01@gmail.com for pricing and availability.
  Seaside Interiors

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By Erika Glasco
posted on 24 May at 14:17

So how difficult was the electrical tape to remove from the glass? How long did you have it on? Was there a residue? I love this idea!

By Sandra Kattner
posted on 05 February at 23:28

Your ideas are great.Where can I buy the tnt wrapper for the poprock candy. Thanks

By Bek Mortelliti Caruso
posted on 12 September at 20:59

You RULE! You gave me some new ideas to send our party over the top! Thanks for sharing!

By Lori Loucks
posted on 16 August at 04:16

These are super do-able party ideas. Thanks for sharing!!

By Carmen Del Rio Trujillo
posted on 04 June at 02:19

ya preparandome para el cumple de jan Carlos y adivinen de que sera jajaja

By Angela Hinckley Stevens
posted on 11 August at 03:44

I was looking for the link to the free banner printable but it doesn't seem to be working - any ideas?

By Cynthia Duarte
posted on 02 May at 04:27

Wow! Amazing! Thanks for the links an the great ideas!