Here's the party...

Cookie Decorating

Supplies Shirt Freezer Paper Fabric Paint Exacto Knife Cutting Mat or Cardboard Paint Dobber or Sponge

Seaside Interiors
When Buying Or Selling a Home: Why Closet Organization is So Important!!!
Behind the Scenes: Creating the Fabric Covered Headboard and Shiplap Accent Wall!
Before and After Lavender Dresser Makeover for a Teen's Bedroom!
Teen Gray, Turquoise, and Lavender Bedroom Makeover!!
posted on 24 May at 14:17
So how difficult was the electrical tape to remove from the glass? How long did you have it on? Was there a residue? I love this idea!
posted on 05 February at 23:28
Your ideas are great.Where can I buy the tnt wrapper for the poprock candy. Thanks
posted on 12 September at 20:59
You RULE! You gave me some new ideas to send our party over the top! Thanks for sharing!
posted on 16 August at 04:16
These are super do-able party ideas. Thanks for sharing!!
posted on 04 June at 02:19
ya preparandome para el cumple de jan Carlos y adivinen de que sera jajaja
posted on 11 August at 03:44
I was looking for the link to the free banner printable but it doesn't seem to be working - any ideas?
posted on 02 May at 04:27
Wow! Amazing! Thanks for the links an the great ideas!