Caroline's 19th - So many teabags - Out for cocktails - Chilling with Dorian Gray in Costa - Harbourside bar crawlin' ♥ - Primark jeans - Cheesy film evening - Payday treats - Feeling summery - Dressed up for a blues/rockabilly night
The last fortnight has been a little slow, but when I've been able to go out and enjoy myself, it's been awesome! Been out for a few cocktail nights, a harbourside barcrawl (as I mentioned the last time I managed to post on here) and a jazz/rockabilly gig. It's so much cheaper to go out now I live nearer the city centre, it's so nice! A taxi back to my old house (which was in a suburb right on the outskirts) could set me back nearly £20 sometimes, it was ridic. Finally got some overtime coming my way, which means even more £££ for me, wooo. I'm getting used to the working routine now, it's nice to have something to do at the weekend to help pass the time, even if it can be a bit monotonous...but that's life.
The landlord says Virgin Media should be coming round this week to connect us, so fingers crossed I will be back to my regular ways very soon. I say this every time, but I am so so sorry I've hardly posted recently, I'm currently sat in the university library as a means of getting internet - it's crazy how much I rely on an internet connection really.
I'll be doing some festival fashion related posts soon, as I realised how close Reading fest is and I am yet to decide on my definitive 'look' for the event - I am only going on the Sunday, but when one is in the vicinity of the legend that is Dave Grohl, one needs to look most fabulous. If somebody buys me some studded Hunters, you will be my favorite person foreveerrr.
Fingers crossed the next time I blog, it will be from the comfort of my bedroom in Bristol!