My receipt showin' love for le Brizzle ♥ When beanbags explode... ♥ Ear cuffs ♥ Cut the Rope instead of revising ♥ Sweet Chilli Cottage Cheese ♥ HIPPO PRINT! ♥ Percy Pigs = the only revision companion I need ♥ Sesame Street PJs ♥ Will's 19th ♥ Sunnyside Bubble Bar ♥ MOTHER FREAKING STEPS! ♥ Glitter fade nails for the Steps concert ♥ Off to the pub on my bday ♥ Microbiology, ew ♥ Colly with the gals ♥ Hello eyes ♥ Reppin' UWE MedSciSoc ♥ Last year of being a teenager ♥ Mummy's cooking ♥ My bday cake ♥ Some new bits and bobs ♥ #ellochubz ♥ Earrings ♥ 17 Mirror Shine Lippy
Sorry about the lack of 'WITL' posts recently, I've been a busy bee thanks to the Easter Holidays, my 19th and my first year finals, eeeeek. It's been so long that I have 3 different hairstyles in this collection of photos - my fringe had a major growth spurt and I finally had my full one put back in :)
The beanbag incident? Well...we were all very drunk whilst predrinking at Dan's flat, someone jumped on a beanbag and *POP*, beans everywhere. It was almost 4 weeks ago and I'm still finding beans in my clothes and shoes, hehe.
I've only been back in Bristol since Monday as I decided to stay with the fam in Cov for the whole 3 weeks I had off uni - it was so nice to see everyone again for so long and celebrate my birthday. However, I am not impressed that there is now less than a year of my teenage life left, *sob*. I am sure I'll get over the fact eventually! My sister took me to see Steps on April 12th and it was incredible, I was so obsessed with them when I was little, and the concert was like being transported back to the 90's! I've also bought Blink 182 tickets (sjhgoahjweoghjbobsnbasjsvj ♥♥♥♥) so I can be an angsty 13 year old all over again and possibly end up drooling over Tom DeLonge like I always used to, hahaha.
Hopefully regular blogging will resume soon, I only have 4 exams left before my summer holidays officially start so not much more hard work to go until first year is well and truly over!