Dec 1 - Christmas is coming

Dec 2 - Maybe I'll get a special gift if Santa sees how talented I am.

Dec 3 - The anticipation is killing me.

Dec 4 - Lying on the couch isn't naughty if no one sees.

Dec 5 - I keep thinking someone's looking at me. Paranoia? Or just reflective Christmas baubles?

Dec 6 - It's jaunty. It's fun. It just screams Christmas.

Dec 7 - A little girly maybe but, hey, I'm missing some of those important boy bits so I figure I can pull it off.

Dec 8 - Just not feeling it today. Maybe yesterday's hat left me with pseudo-PMS. Or maybe it's just that the bells get SO annoying!

Dec 9 - The star of David shone above the stable where Baby Jesus lay. Kind of apt considering which piece of the nativity scene I ate.

Dec 10 - Not sure why I keep thinking with an Irish accent and wondering what a leprechaun would taste like and why I'm thinking about leprechauns at Christmas. To be sure. To be sure.

Dec 11 - I can stash this one aside for Melbourne Cup next year.

Dec 12 - Two turtle doves. And a doggy under the tree

Dec 13 - Dear Santa. Stayed up all night waiting for you. Apparently I was 12 days early. Dogs aren't good at reading calendars.

Dec 14 - Realised today that I matched the Christmas tree. I'm thinking that my owner is taking some sadistic pleasure in making me look a little stupid

Dec 15 - Not sure I'll ever get over the humiliation.

Dec 16 - I'm over it. All it took was a promise from she-who-must-be-obeyed that I wouldn't have to wear any more silly hats.

Dec 17 - She lied!

Dec 18 - This is the first seasonally appropriate hat I've gotten to wear. Slip, slop, slap and Santa.

Dec 20 - I'm pretty sure that it's getting close now. I'd keep a close eye out for the fat man in the red suit if only I knew what red looked like. Why, oh why, do dogs have to be colour-blind?

Dec 21 - We were just playing and it kinda got a little out of hand.

Dec 22 - Spotted something under the Christmas tree.

Dec 23 - Tried not to be caught looking at it. Desperately hoping it's mine.

Dec 24 - It fell on the floor by itself, honestly! But now I've got it can I keep it???
Merry Christmas everyone. And I hope, like Toby, you get what your heart desires the most.