Debate Magazine

A Declaration of Independence for Our Times

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Several years ago, after reading our Founding Fathers’ Declaration of Independence, FOTM’s Dave McMullen wrote this essay “A Redress of Grievances,” now brought up-to-date with five additional new grievances.

Most of the offenses addressed in the Declaration not only are being committed by the United States government today, some are worse.



A Redress of Grievances

by Dave McMullen

In accordance with the inherited truth established by our Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 that the powers of our government shall not exceed the consent of the people being governed

We, the citizens of the United States of America, having endured these injustices for too long, do present to the President and the Congress, as is our right a petition for a redress of grievances, and do demand a reply and actions to correct these listed offenses.

1. The right of all American citizens to work free of any requirement to join an organized labor union.

2. The failure of our justice system to prosecute white collar criminals; both corporate and political.

3. Federal government’s unfair redistribution of tax funds collected from states and unfair redistribution of said taxes to promote and secure, through buying votes, a progressive socialist ideology.

4. Promoting a progressive socialist ideology in all of our public school system.

5. Failure of our public school system to educate our children.

6. Attacks on our Freedom of Speech.

7. Attacks on our Freedom of Religion.

8. Attacks on our Right to Bear Arms.

9. Cooperation of corruption between government and banking interests to the detriment of citizens of our USA.

10. Cooperation of corruption between government and foreign countries to the detriment of the citizens of our USA.

11. Collection of political contributions from the purse of foreign hire against the best interest of our USA.

12. Catering to foreign interests to the detriment of domestic interests.

13. Excessive government regulations on private enterprise causing unwarranted financial harm, and a reduction in our ability to compete in a world marketplace.

14. Legislating as public servants in secret chambers.

15. Pressing legislation into law against the will of the majority of the citizens.

16. Fast tracking unfair and unconstitutional legislation through Congress, thereby denying the people time for public scrutiny of said legislations.

17. Waging wars, undeclared by Congress, for the benefit of corporate and political financial gains against the best interest of the American people.

18. Excluding yourselves from the laws of the land by participating in insider trading and then legislating to produce favorable results for your criminal activities; thereby damaging business and individual investors who are lawfully engaged in our stock markets.

19. Failure of the government to enforce existing laws that protect the best interests and rights of American citizens.

20. Preventing state governments from enacting and enforcing legislation that works for the common good of its citizens.

21. Robbing the Social Security trust fund, thereby depriving taxpaying citizens of their retirement funds and also burdening future taxpayers to replace the misappropriated funds.

22. Denying the American people transparency into the activities of the Federal Reserve bank.

23. Printing of deficit fiat currency thereby taxing the American people without our consent or approval, causing the devaluation of our assets and the inflation of our currency.

24. The failure to produce a balanced federal budget.

25. The loss of untold billions of tax dollars through wasteful spending, theft, and mismanagement.

26. Passing legislation that violates our Freedom of privacy.

27. Harassing citizen groups in an attempt to deny these citizens the right to peaceful assembly.

28. A cooperation of corruption between politics and special interest groups thereby denying the citizens fair representation.

29. Harassing freedom of press and speech by the Federal Communication Commission.

30. Levying excessive employee taxes on employers thereby causing great unemployment in our country.

31. Perpetuating an unfair legal system that unjustly damages our citizens and businesses by the failure of Congress to enact any meaningful tort reform legislation.

32. The distribution of tax money through social welfare programs which unfairly burdens working class Americans.

33. The lack of a presidential line item veto which perpetuates the practice of packing toxic legislation into our budget bills.

34. A failure of full disclosure into all activities by the CIA related to the tragic events caused by the operations known as Fast and Furious and Benghazi.

35. The failure of the government to secure our borders against illegal immigration and illegal drug trafficking.

36. The failure of the government to reduce in any meaningful way the huge illegal drug trade that produces so much evil in our country and the world.

37. The distribution of our tax dollars to foreign countries that only too often just makes foreign leaders rich on the backs of USA taxpayers at a time when we can least afford it.

38. The use of our tax dollars to pay for activities such as abortion that is against the conscience of many citizens (no one should be forced to pay for activities they deem morally wrong).

39. For declaring the USA a battlefield thereby robbing its citizens of their constitutional protections from our government no longer in our control.

40. Using tax payer dollars to create standing armies within our borders — Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Agency (TSA).

41. The federal government’s National Security Agency (NSA) spying on our private phone calls and emails.

42.  Using taxpayer funded organizations as a weapon against our businesses,our  political groups and individual citizens who do not support a socialist ideology.

43. Congress passing into law legislation that has not been read and which is not completed with little or no understanding of its effects on the people.

44. The illegal and unconstitutional use of presidential executive orders, thereby overriding the constitutionally ordained legislative power of Congress.

45. Constantly lying to the people.

I wrote the first version of A Series of Grievances with intentions of presenting it to the Congress. Since this is an on going problem, I invite readers to add to the list. But it seems while almost all agree with its content, I could find few who would sign it with me.  A fear of our government has come over most people. It must have been the same for our Founding Fathers who had the courage to sign the first Redress in our Declaration of Independence.


Dave McMullen

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