Food & Drink Magazine

A Cake with Apples and Strawberries "I Am Charming"

By Vall444
Cake with Apples Strawberries Charming

"I am charming"

This is a great refreshing cake with apples and strawberries:
For the dough: 
4 ½ cups raw nuts (may be walnuts, hazelnuts or other nuts) 
3 tablespoons (with tip) chopped dates 
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla 
1/8 teaspoon salt

For the filling: 

8 cups sliced ​​apples 
5 cups sliced ​​strawberries 
¼ cup fresh lemon juice 
1 tablespoon vanilla 
a pinch of salt

In a food processor grind the chopped nuts with the cinnamon, vanilla and salt. Add the dates and mix again. Take 2 cups of the mixture and put them aside. Then pour the rest into a baking dish (30 x 25 x 6 cm). Pressing the mixture to the bottom of the tray. In a bowl mix the ingredients of the filling and then pour over the marshes evenly. Sprinkle the top with the 2 cups of nuts that you have put aside. 

Serve with a slice of apple and a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.
Cake with Apples Strawberries Charming
This recipe is a part of the healthy dessert recipe series.

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