Computing Magazine

A Brief Overview of eCommerce Trends in 2015

Posted on the 30 March 2015 by Savita Singh @Compgeekblog

It goes without saying that as we move ahead in the time, changes in technology and innovation are becoming more of a lifestyle. One of the most revolutionary change that took the world by storm is the eCommerce and how it changed the meaning of shopping. As the year 2015 progress, success of larger eCommerce brands have encouraged many small business eCommerce operators to spring. However, these small time operators have less or negligible means to take on giants in the industry. However, the trends in 2015 are more likely to make eCommerce industry a happy spot for small business operators. Let us take a closer look at these trends to pay the way to the success.

Democratisation of eCommerce industry: Where is it headed?

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While it is true that the eCommerce industry these days is dominated by a handful of big merchants who continue to be successful and advance without leaving any space for small business operators and independent merchant to breath. However, that is all about to change in 2015 as it is time for democratisation that simply means established eCommerce giants empowering the small time operators by partnering with them. This provides these independent operators an access to the world class infrastructure. This way it is now possible to provide a wholesome customer experience with nifty order fulfillment to efficient returns, while still focusing on what they do the best. 2015 and the way forward seem to be a happy space for small time eCommerce operators.

Social Media Engagement: How does it helps?


Another trend that has gained momentum in the new year is the social media engagement. While almost every one in two individual is on one social media platform or another, it would be beneficial for smaller operators to focus more upon social media engagement. Features like in-line purchase button on social media platforms and customer engagement is a great way for these operators to boost their growth and improve brand recognition.

Embrace the Mobile technology

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Last but not the least, is a mobile-friendly business model, which makes sense as computers and laptops have now been replaced by tablets and smartphones. With more and more users accessing the Internet from their phones, it makes more sense for small time business operators to invest more in a mobile-friendly website as well as an app for popular operating platforms. Reports show that the year 2015 saw more conversion on mobile platform then ever before, so there we go.


Taking note of these trends and engaging in them will help small time business operators to go a long way ahead. Trust us when we say that the day is not far when you will be astonished by an exemplary service that outdoes even big-league players, from a relatively unknown operator. So here is to the future!

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