It all began last Christmas, when two of Shyba’s older children, Jack and Zoe, met Santa Claus in New York and asked him for a puppy. After a few weeks of searching local shelters, they found a puppy that they fell in love with – Theo.
We found him tucked together with his two siblings in the back yard of the Santa Cruz SPCA,” mom of three Jessica Shyba writes on her blog, Momma’s Gone City, of the puppy her family brought home last week.
“Big Bird — as he was named at the shelter — was the shyest of them all to meet us, though he bounded instantly into [my son] Beau’s lap as soon as he entered their pen. The look on his little furry face was enough to seal the deal for me, we had met our newest family member.”
He craved human friendship and attention from the moment he came home with his new family and, three days after coming home with them, he joined Beau for his daily nap.

His mother, overpowered by the cuteness took a picture, and the rest is history.
Now that Shyba is sharing pictures of this perfectly cute pair of nap buddies with over 300,000 followers on her Instagram, they are warming hearts around the world.
Every day now, when Shyba puts 23-month-old Beau down for his nap, Theo follows.
Once Beau is asleep, she brings the puppy into his room. “He plops right on top of Beau and they sleep for a minimum of 2 hours together,” she told us via e-mail.
Their daily naps have turned into “what I can only describe as the most organic and beautiful friendship I have ever witnessed,” Shyba writes.

“I think that Theo, having been abandoned by [his] mother early, feels like Beau is like a litter mate to him. He’s only 8 weeks old now, so he’s still very young,” Shyba said.
“The most interesting part about their relationship is that while they immediately found comfort in each other, they also fight like siblings — the roughest out of our three kids.”
On her blog, she adds that she hopes to use the project to give back. “Time will tell where this project leads, but I have high hopes of doing a little book and donating proceeds to the Santa Cruz SPCA.”

Tags: ASPCA, Beau, sleeping buddies, Theo, TheoandBeau