I hate writing these words, but I need to write them.
The blog will be on a bit of a hiatus. You’ve probably noticed my lack of posting already. I’ve always been sporadic, but lately, it’s been more so.
It’s not because I don’t completely love my blog. I do. I finally have a design I love. A look that is all my own. And that’s not going anywhere. It’s because I just don’t have the time. And I always said when I don’t have the time, the blog is the first to take a backseat.
I’m hoping in a month of so, I’ll be able to get back to regular posting. But no guarantees. Who knows. You may even see me before then.
Why the hiatus? The photography season has begun. And I need to focus my energy on growing my photography business, both the shoots and the Etsy shop.
Along with the photography, work is busy. And we’re gearing up for weddings, house hunting and so on.
But I won’t be non-existent. I just won’t be blogging here. Make sure to follow me over at itseryne’s instagram account. I’ll be mini blogging there like I always so. You can always follow along with the photography business at eryn e photography’s account.
You are all amazing. Seriously. And I’ll miss everyone during this hiatus. But it needs to happen, at least for the time being.
See you on the other side.