Fashion Magazine

A Beach Club and Lunch Table with Views

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

purobeach palmaDaddy informed us quite of the blue that to own a black yacht is the most expensive you can have. I obviously then immediately asked for one for Christmas from Santa. No answer, I like to live in hope.  We decided to spend Tuesday (Day 3) at Purobeach to enjoy yet another day of relaxation in the glorious, brilliant sunshine and endless blue skies. Today was a little different as it was certainly a lot busier and the black yacht on the horizon was extremely sleek and fabulous looking. Otherwise, our day at Puro remained the same; sun, read, sun, snooze, read, top-up with Piz Buin SPF 30 (+extra melanin) and lunch at our (supposedly) reserved table with the best view in the house which we espied yesterday. Rouge Rubis tootsies :: check, complete with sunshine. Blue skies and sea :: check, complete with swimmer. Reading my new book “Midnight Rose” :: Check, complete with new ASOS bikini | Link HERE (excuse my hair, I had just enjoyed a refreshing cool shower to cool down !) The black yacht (immediately reminding me of my beloved Johnny Depp à la Pirates of the Caribbean) was really quite the stark image on the horizon. It’s amazing ...

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