Relationships Magazine

90 Day "More Hair, More Virtue" Hair Growth Challenge

By Themilkaint4free @prospermuch


Hair Scripture of the month: 
And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. Luke 12:7 NLT 

1.  Wear a protective style of choice:  Wig, Braids, Twist, Sew-in, etc.

2.  Take Hair Vitamins Daily and drink plenty of water.

3.  At the beginning of each month, we will do a 7 day inversion challenge (will add link to explain this process).
4. Update and post your progress weekly to encourage and motivate others. Every Wednesday I will post a new "Check-In" post so we can share if we are keeping our regimen and any tips to improve our hair growth journey.
TIPS before you get started:
1. Get rid of any split ends or thin ones if you can.
2. Measure your hair by inches, or by body parts. Ex: Shoulder length.
3. Take a picture of your hair.
Saving Deals:
Get your hair, skin, and nail vitamins or any beauty and wellness product of your choice and save $5-$10 on your first order by using the following code:  VOK107.  I purchase my Solgar Advanced MSM hair vitamins from here for $10.63.  They have good prices on many different products.  My go to online store.  Enjoy the savings!
Just post "I'm in" with the following information:
1.  Hair vitamin of choice
2.  Current hair length
3.  Any special prayer request
Prayer & Devotion
God's love for us is so deep and real that He cares about every little thing that concerns us, even the hair on our heads.  This simple illustration of God's love for us is a dynamic example of a key quality that one should look for and desire in a mate.  God we are so overwhelm with your love for us.  As we embark on this natural hair growth journey, bless us with more than just beautiful hair. Bless us with a beautiful spirit that yearns continually for more of You!
  More Hair, More Virtue
by the end of this 90 Day Challenge! Let's go!
Love you Ladies! Wait For God's Best & Receive it!!!
Curly Virtue

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