The landscape of streaming video services is heavily saturated these days and only getting more crowded as we march toward the future. But one site, rabb.it, was ahead of the curve. Now that they are shut down, here are some other options for you.
We all know Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu, but have you heard of rabb.it? In the early days of streaming video, rabb.it was at the forefront, allowing streaming of movies across multiple devices, and shareable between viewers in real-time. It set a precedent for many of the streaming websites available today.
And then in 2019, it just stopped. At the time, few knew what happened to rabb.it, but we have information that the CEO failed to get vital funding, had to lay off the entire staff, and shuttered it for good. Plenty of people who used rabb.it were obviously disappointed, but with many alternatives just like it, the viewers rebounded quickly.
Top 9 Rabb.it Alternatives for 2020
With the closure, in an instant, all of the affiliated rabb.it websites went down the rabb.it extension went dark, and videos that had been streaming died. Within hours, the users had already found rabb.it alternatives. These new streaming options had none of the rabb.it issues and would be around with better funding and management for a while.
These are a few of the best rabbi.it replacement with the same style of video streaming:

Alex Green is a copywriter with 3 years of experience. He is fond of healthy living and knows everything about home improvement. In his spare time, Alex likes walking with his golden retriever, meeting with friends, and attending the gym. He is a contributing author on HomeMakerGuide.