Food & Drink Magazine

9 Of The Most Beautiful Illustrated Children's Books Every Kid Should Have

By Alongabbeyroad @alongabbeyroad
9 Of The Most Beautiful Illustrated Children's Books Every Kid Should Have
Books are a big deal to us. There is nothing quite like cozying up with a kid in your lap and going on adventures in stories. I obviously love color and art and paint, so I am always looking for beautiful illustrated children's book that take my breath away and have me eating up all the details and colors. This list could go on for quite a long while, but I decided for now to narrow it down to these nine amazing illustrated books every kid should have.
1. Once Upon an Alphabet by Oliver Jeffers. I like how messy and whimsical his drawings and illustrations are, and it is a spin on learning the alphabet in an engaging, new way with each letter going on their own adventure.
2. Alexander Girard Colors. The legendary designer made this book for kid's to learn colors in 1972, and it obviously possesses that flawless design which he was so famous for. This one is eye candy for kids and the design obsessed parent!
3. What Do People Do All Day? by Richard Scarry. If I had a dollar for every time Luke asks me about what EVERY SINGLE PERSON is doing, I would be a millionaire. Obviously, this book is the answer to all of the questions AND you it should be an absolute staple in your kid's library. His characters and illustrations are some of my most favorites with all of their details and bright colors.
4. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. I was watching East of Eden a few days ago, and went on a mad history search of James Dean's short but passionate life. One of the many facts I learned was that this book was his favorite as a child. Anyway, it is a classic every little boy should have in his possession and this pop up version makes it even more special.
5. Madeline by Ludwig Bemelans. This is one of the great classics we have all read and most likely own, so naturally it needed to be included in this roundup.
6. The Story of Babar: The Little Elephant by Jean de Brunhoff. The story of how Babar came to life is equally as fascinating to me as the actual story itself. You should read about it sometime. Also, elephants are one of my favorite animals and there are so many lessons to be gleaned from this story!
7. Henri's Walk to Paris by Leonore Klein and illustrated by Saul Bass. If you like vibrant colors and funky prints, this book is for you and your little one! This book is one visual explosion after another.
8. A Coloring Book: Drawings by Andy Warhol. So, I am not how certain this illustrated book is for children more than it is for parents, and I am not sure it is a must have, but either way it is cool and I couldn't help but include it. Your kids (or you) can bring ole' Andy's drawings to life with their own colors and imaginations. Also, this thing is teeny tiny which I think is adorable because mini things are just that way.
9. The Bear's Song by Benjamin Chaud. I clearly have a thing for the French in regard to their illustrated children's books. Dare I say they just have a certain je nais se quoi? ;) They really do it so well, though (along with every other aspect of life). Anyway, this book had me smiling and pouring over the pictures the first time I read it to Luke and Wes. He also recently came out with another book called The Bear's Sea Escape that is equally as wonderful.
I would like to leave an honorable mention about Vivaldi by Helge Torvund and illustrated by Mari Kanstad Johnsen. My mouth dropped open as I scrolled through all of the illustrations. It is only available for purchase in Norway from my quick search, but I really wish I could buy it. (Or that it will someday be translated into English and sold in the US.) If any of you live in Norway, feel free to send a copy my way! ;)
Hope you enjoy these beautifully illustrated children's books. And please share with me your favorites so we don't miss out on any good ones!

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