I may be Vegan – but I don’t eat salads.
Ok I do – occasionally, but not every day. Most people think that once you become vegan all you CAN eat is salad and veggies. Not true. How many people can you name who have tried to ‘diet’ by just eating salads? Did they succeed? No. They probably starved to death. As healthy as veggies and salad are, and they are indeed healthy, they just don’t provide enough calories to keep you full.
So what’s the secret to keeping those extra pounds off?
Starch! That’s right – Carbs! Eat them! They’re GOOD for you!
But, but… that go against everything your low carb friends are telling you? Then consider these 8 facts compiled by Dr. John McDougall.
1. They’re Historical
“All large populations of trim, healthy people, throughout verifiable human history, have obtained the bulk of their calories from starch.”
Asians and their rice; the Incas in South America and their potatoes; the ancient Mayans and Aztecs and their corn; and Egyptians in the Middle East with their wheat.
Still don’t believe me? 1.7 billion Asians eat rice with every meal – WHITE rice at that. Are they wrong? I work with a lot of people from the Asian communities, Koreans, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Filipinos – and they are usually some of the skinniest, healthiest, people there! You simply cannot argue with results.
2. They Supply the Energy we Need
“Starches are nutritionally complete supplying all the energy, protein, essential fats, and minerals a child or adult needs. People, and even large populations, have lived for long periods of time on ‘all potato diets.’ “
See this link on Chris Voigt and his all potato diet, and look at his before and after numbers. After just 60 days he lost 21lbs and dropped his cholesterol by 67 points!
3. They May Prevent Disease
“Overweight, type-2 diabetes, inflammatory arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and common cancers (breast, colon, and prostate) are unknown in populations of people who get the bulk of their calories from starches.”
4. Starches Are Clean
“They do not grow human pathogens like salmonella, E. coli, or mad cow prions (animal foods are filthy with these organisms). Starches, being lowest on the food chain, have the lowest levels of environmental chemical poisons (pesticides, herbicides, methyl mercury, etc.)”
5. Athletes Love Carbs
“Winners of all endurance races, marathons, triathlons, bicycling, etc. “carbohydrate load,” which means they are primarily starch-eaters.”
6. People have depended on starch throughout history
“Men and women following diets based on grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables have accomplished most of the great feats in history. The ancient conquerors of Europe and Asia, including the armies of Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) and Genghis Khan (1162-1227 AD) consumed starch-based diets. Caesar’s legions complained when they had too much meat in their diet and preferred to do their fighting on grains.”
7. The longest living populations on planet Earth today live on starch-based (low-animal food) diets.
“These include people from Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece; and the Seventh Day Adventists in Loma Linda, California, who live in what are called the ‘Blue Zones.’”
8. Starches may have helped cure disease
“The most effective diets ever used to cure people of common day illnesses, like coronary heart disease, type-2 diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, arthritis, and obesity minimize animal foods and require people eat the bulk of their calories from starches, including grains, legumes, and potatoes (foods forbidden to Paleo eaters).”