In case you were wondering where I was yesterday, I was still recovering from the crazy 72 hours in Cleveland. One of my roommates from college got married on Saturday but the whole weekend was jam packed with craziness. Which started with flying with 2 kids under 4 by myself. Let me just tell you, never again. Well except for the way back because I had to. But other than that, I don’t think I’ll ever fly with kids alone again.
I think one of the reasons it’s so hard for me is because of my anxiety. I’m already stressed about getting through the airport and having to watch two littles trailing behind me, beating each other with their suitcases and taking their shoes off was even worse. I know, they’re 4 and 2 but it’s hard to remember that when they’re acting like banshees and everyone is looking at you. N wasn’t so bad on the plane (he likes watching movies) but P was ALL over the place. Talk about stress. But luckily the flight was only an hour and 20 minutes but let me tell you, it was an hour and 20 minutes too long. Better than 12 hours of driving I suppose! But obviously I need to update this post…
So when we finally got there, you bet your bottom dollar I needed a beer and some relaxation.

The kids love to fish with my dad and little lady even caught a fish! We throw them back but trying to have her touch the fish was priceless.
My mom had to work a half day so the kids and I took a little trip down memory lane aka we explored the town I grew up in. We grabbed some Starbucks and hit up Target (obvi), drove past my old house and school and sat on a bench dedicated to my fave teacher of all time. To burn some energy we headed to the playground and the kids heard the high school marching band in the distance. (Side note: N stopped what he was doing and put his hand over his heart when they played the National Anthem… proud mom moment). So we decided to drive over and watch the band from the distance. And it was so cute!

Mind you, it was about 90 degrees by this time (I was hoping for cold weather!) so we decided to get Bubs’ haircut at his favorite haircut place. I mean, how cute is my baby?!

We met my Mom and Nana for lunch after his haircut and then headed home to the beach! I didn’t expect it to be as hot as it was so I had to make another trip back to Target for a bathing suit. Thank goodness for clearance racks

Get ready for a shift here, I woke up to sweater weather! Woo! It was seriously such a perfect morning and we spent it with my cousin and her kids. It makes me sad that we don’t get to see them often but the fact that they love each other so much regardless, makes my heart so happy. But soon enough, it was time for the main event… the wedding!

I met one of my friends at the hotel and we headed to the church. I haven’t seen her in a few years so I was super excited to catch up and reunite! 3 of our other roommates couldn’t make it so we definitely missed them, but I’m glad I was at least able to see two of them… including the bride! She looked absolutely stunning and I’m so glad I was able to make the trip to be there.

I obviously slept overnight at the hotel (if you saw my Snapchats, you know why) but woke up early to get back to my babies. We went to the playground, had a quick lunch, and then headed for the airport. Both kids fell asleep on the way to the airport so it’s no surprise they were in a terrible mood when we had to wake them up. Which was unfortunate for all parties. It was a total cluster F on the plane (my daughter was literally barefoot in the airplane bathroom at one point) and I couldn’t wait to get off that thing. As luck would have it, there was a plane blocking the gate so we had to sit there and wait for an extra 30 minutes. I may or may not have dropped a few choice words and looked like the worst mom in the world but you know what, it was a stressful day damn it!

But we did it. I did it. I got all three of us through the airport there and back. Woo! But yesterday was a rough day; I’ve been trying to get the house together and had to do all of the laundry, unpacking, etc. And to be honest, I just really miss Z. We haven’t talked in about 9 days and I couldn’t even tell you the last time we went that long. It sucks and I miss him. But so is the life I suppose. I’m looking forward to him getting his phone back, hopefully soon.
Hope y’all had a great weekend too! Stay tuned for some fun and exciting things over the next few weeks! See you tomorrow! xo