Eco-Living Magazine


Posted on the 31 October 2011 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

7,000,000,000Today marks the arrival of the earth’s 7 billionth member. This figure (and its timing) is based on demographers at the United Nations. While it is not possible to know when, who, or where exactly the seven billionth member of our current population will be born (it may or may not be today, this month, or even this year), the general point that we have such a large and continually growing population needs to addressed. What is the carrying capacity of the earth? How can we live sustainably on it when more and more people adopt Western ways of consumption?

Like many other outlets (including National Geographic and NPR, which has an informative video, available below) we have a number of posts on the topic, all of which will be available under the tag 7 Billion. Please join the conversation and think about how this mass of humanity can inhabit the planet in a sustainable fashion.

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