- The concept of time is difficult to grasp for young children so it is best to start introducing them with the passage of time. The passage of time can be introduced by watching a sand timer. The child can watch the grains of sand fall from one container into the other one.
- Encouraging conversation about the child's activities and the use of words such as "yesterday", "tonight" and "tomorrow"
- Use a calendar to talk about the days of the week, months and seasons
- Make timelines: Your child may be doing different activities on different days. A pictorial representation helps the child visually see what has happened and what is next.
- Time line of a child's life: Make a time line of your child from birth to present with her/his photos. This again helps the child to see a concrete representation of the passage of time. Children also enjoy seeing their photos and observing themselves as they grow up.
- Around the age of five, when children have a good understanding of numbers and show an interest in time recognition, they can be introduced to time telling. To reinforce their knowledge of how to tell the time, you can buy them their very own watch. The Watch Hut has a great range of watches to choose from.
- Older children can then start planning their own days. This helps the child to be independent and gives them responsibility. Defne has just turned seven and some days, during holidays recently we talked about how she can plan her day.
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