Rains bring a big relief from the scorching summer heat. But along with it, rains bring a risk of infections and diseases.
To make the parents more worried, babies and toddlers are more prone to these infections.
Monsoon care for babies and kids is very important to prevent any health issues and diseases during rains.
To prevent the babies and toddlers from contracting any infections or diseases during the rains, it is important to know why the rainy season is so much disease and infection prone.
The reason is that during the rains, weather is moist and humid. This is a perfect conducive environment for the bacteria, viruses to grow and thrive. Lack of sunlight further adds to the multiplication of these rain borne infection carriers.
How to take care of babies and kids this rainy season?
Some points to help prevent occurrence of these rain borne diseases in babies and kids are given below.
1. PERSONAL HYGIENEHygiene is the utmost important aspect to be taken care of during the rains.
Keep the child and the premises clean. Give bath to the child daily and wipe them at regular intervals.
Make sure you wash your hands and your baby's hands before, after meals and when you change nappies.
Cut nails to prevent dirt accumulation. If you have a house help, it's advisable that they wash their hands and feet before any contact with the child.
2. WATER LOGGINGEnsure that there isn't too much of water logging in your premises.
Stagnant water is the source of most rain borne diseases. Also mosquitoes breed on stagnant waters so clear out stagnant water from your premises. If you have potted plants at home, ensure that is no water logging in them.
Use a disinfectant around your house. Protect your little one from mosquitoes with the help of repellents or by putting wire meshes on your windows.
3. DRINKING WATERTake utmost care that you give only boiled water to the kids during the rains. Water borne diseases are at peak this season.
Ensure you carry your own water whenever you go out.
4. FOODLike water, food contamination is also very rampant in the rains. Avoid outside food as much as possible. For kids ensure you give them homemade and warm food.
5. CLOTHINGRainy season is very humid and can get cold as well. Ensure you keep the clothes dry all the time. Wear clothing such that they are protected from mosquitoes. Keep a jacket handy as well since its cold even in indoors.
Invest in good footwear. Keep the feet of the kids clean since that is the way germs will enter your household (applicable to adults as well)
6. SKIN RELATED ISSUESDue to the moist and humid conditions there are lots of fungal and bacterial infections that babies are infected with.
Keeping the child dry is very important. Use a talc to absorb the moisture.
Wipe clean the child time to time so that the infection won't spread.
7. MOSQUITOESKeep the mosquitoes at bay. Use a good mosquito repellent. Close the windows during evening time so that there is no inlet for mosquitoes. Keep the rooms well ventilated.
Ensure there is no stagnant water around. If you have indoor plants, change the water on a regular basis.
Hope the points above help you keep your little one safe during monsoons. You can also refer to the monsoon care tips for babies.
How do you protect your babies and kids from infections this monsoon? Any points you would like to add to this list? Do share with us in comments.